Growing Enrollment Through Traffic Growth: A Step-by-Step SEO Blueprint for Higher Ed

Growing Enrollment Through Traffic Growth: A Step-by-Step SEO Blueprint for Higher Ed

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Colleges and universities are facing fierce competition to attract and enroll prospective students. In this competitive environment, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in making sure students can find the programs they’re looking for online. By strategically optimizing their online presence, institutions can boost their program visibility, reduce ad spend, and achieve scalable enrollment growth.

This blueprint provides a clear, actionable guide on:

  • Why SEO contributes to enrollment growth
  • The advantage of SEO in higher ed marketing
  • How to incorporate SEO into your enrollment marketing strategy

Why SEO Helps Colleges and Universities Reach Students

SEO is crucial in higher education marketing because it helps universities and colleges improve their online visibility and attract more prospective students. When a potential student searches for educational programs or institutions, they are more likely to click on the top search results. By optimizing their website and content for search engines, higher education institutions can increase their chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages. This not only helps in reaching a wider audience but also enhances the credibility and reputation of the institution in the competitive landscape of higher education marketing. Overall, incorporating SEO strategies is essential for universities and colleges to stay competitive, increase brand awareness, and attract more qualified prospects.

The Power of SEO for Enrollment Growth

Achieving high rankings for non-branded searches is essential for building visibility and brand awareness. The more content you create that Google indexes, the higher your chances of driving qualified traffic to your site. For example, if your university’s MBA consistently leads to positions in a particular company’s finance department, creating content like "How to land a job in Acme's finance department" could attract qualified applicants.

Real-World Enrollment Success achieved through SEO

Everspring has worked with numerous universities to boost their organic search visibility and conversion rates. For instance:

  • Santa Clara Universities Online MBA: A redesign of program pages to optimize for conversion led to a 131% quarter-over-quarter conversion rate increase.
  • Northwestern Medill Integrated Marketing Communications: An SEO-driven blog strategy grew sessions to all blog pages by +876% YoY in 2023 alongside, a 116% increase in seated students

SEO's Advantages in Higher Education

  • Long-Term Sustainability: Once high rankings are achieved, the benefits can last for months or even years, although ongoing maintenance is necessary to defend your position against competitors.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Achieving organic rankings eliminates the cost per click associated with paid ads, which can be substantial. Moreover, organic results typically enjoy higher click-through rates.
  • Adaptability to Market Changes: SEO is highly adaptable, driven by data and the need to respond to changes in search engine algorithms and market trends. Its integration with broader digital marketing strategies ensures that it can evolve with shifting consumer behaviors.

How to Incorporate SEO into Your Higher Ed Marketing Strategy

Creating a successful SEO strategy means sending multiple signals to Google that your site deserves to rank above competitors. This includes both on-site and off-site optimization:

Onsite SEO

  • Conduct Keyword Research: Identify how prospective students search for your programs, analyzing both the search volume and the competitiveness of these keywords.
  • Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: Target keywords that are three to five words long, as they typically show higher intent and face less competition, making them highly effective for capturing specific audiences.
  • Optimize Content for Search Engines: Ensure that your program pages and related content are optimized for search engines, incorporating relevant keywords effectively.
  • Craft Compelling Program Descriptions: Develop detailed, keyword-rich descriptions for each program. Tailor these descriptions to both unique offerings and well-recognized programs to attract diverse prospective students.
  • Optimize Meta Titles and Descriptions: Enhance meta titles and descriptions to improve click-through rates. These elements are critical as they are prominently displayed on search engine results pages (SERP), allowing you to effectively communicate your message to potential students.

Optimize the User Experience

  • Enhance User Engagement: Design a user experience that quickly and accurately answers visitors' queries, minimizing their likelihood of returning to Google. This helps to reduce bounce rates, which is crucial as frequent returns to search results can negatively affect your SEO rankings.
  • Improve Mobile Friendliness and Load Times: Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and that pages load quickly across all devices. These factors are critical for maintaining a positive user experience, as slow load times and poor mobile experiences can deter potential students.
  • Implement Schema Markup: Utilize schema markup to enrich your search results with detailed information like ratings, course listings, and navigational breadcrumbs. This not only makes your listings more appealing and informative on search engines but also improves the way users interact with your content directly from search results.

Offsite SEO

  • Cultivate Quality Backlinks: Acquiring backlinks from reputable sources acts as a strong endorsement to Google, signaling that your site is a trustworthy authority. For instance, a link from the National Human Resource Association (https://humanresources.org/) to a page discussing an MBA in HR management could significantly boost your site's credibility and search ranking.
  • Leverage Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to broaden the reach of your content, increasing both visibility and traffic. Encourage your audience to share your content on their social channels, which not only spreads your message further but also enhances your content's engagement and visibility.
  • Engage with Industry Influencers: Collaborate with influencers who resonate with your target audience. These partnerships can amplify your visibility, drive traffic, and establish credibility among prospective students who respect and follow these influencers.

Content Creation

  • Develop Engaging Content: Consistently produce content that directly answers the key questions and concerns of your target audience. This approach not only increases your search engine visibility but also ensures positive engagement results. Tailor this strategy to cater to both niche academic specialties and more competitive fields like MBA programs.
  • Utilize Rich Media: Incorporate diverse media forms such as images, infographics, and videos into your content. This enhances user engagement and friendliness, which not only improves user experience but also boosts your SEO performance.
  • Create Personalized Content: Design content specifically for niche target audiences like working parents, returning adult learners, and military veterans. Include success stories, testimonials, and narrative elements that resonate with these groups. Personalized content not only fosters a deeper connection with prospective students but also enhances the relevance and attractiveness of your programs.

Analyzing and Adapting: Monitoring SEO Success

  • Implement Analytics Tools: Utilize tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Ahrefs to track your website's SEO performance. These tools help you understand traffic patterns, keyword effectiveness, and areas where your site may require further optimization.
  • Monitor Cross-Channel Performance: Stay aware of how your SEO strategies are integrating with and impacting your broader digital marketing efforts. This awareness is crucial as effective SEO should complement and enhance your overall omnichannel strategy, ensuring consistency and synergy across all marketing channels.

Take Steps to Boost Your Online Presence Today

Ensuring your enrollment marketing strategy includes SEO will help you increase your online visibility, reduce your dependence on paid advertising, and ultimately attract and enroll the best students for your programs. Are you ready to elevate your school’s online presence? Everspring can help. We offer a free SEO Scan to show you the current state of your website and how to make improvements. Click here to learn more and request your free SEO scan.
