Integrate your data.
Ignite enrollment.

Introducing VIA — a high-performance enrollment solution to transform your marketing into results.

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Performance marketing that actually performs

Connect campaign costs to performance data and unleash your enrollment superpower

It’s time to see the true cost per applicant and make faster, better-informed marketing decisions. VIA provides the visibility, insights, and actionable data you need to boost enrollment—all in one platform. Eliminate blind spots from fragmented systems and transform complex marketing into confident, data-driven actions that drive growth.

Woman smiling among diagrams of successful metrics
Woman smiling among diagrams of successful metrics

Connect dots you can’t even see VIA 360° student journey insights

Capture critical marketing insights hiding in your enrollment funnel

VIA brings your data together into a single, powerful hub, giving you a holistic view of your enrollment funnel. Identify top-performing channels, allocate your budget wisely, and eliminate waste. The result? Better decision-making, higher ROI, and a transformed enrollment marketing strategy.

The enrollment advantage of VIA

Various social media applications connected with dotted lines

Link marketing data with enrollment results

Integrate and centralize your data for 360° insights across media, web, and CRM.
Overlapping graphs showing successful metrics

Ensure ad dollars generate students, not just leads.

Track campaign impact and cost per applicant to focus your budget on what works.
Funnel showing student journey in numbers from discovery to enrolled

Anticipate trends instead of following them.

Use advanced analytics to predict and proactively address enrollment patterns.
Three students and the data associated with their enrollment

Turn data into enrollment gold.

Transform recruitment data into actionable marketing insights and a precise roadmap for optimization.

Generate students, not just leads

Marketing and enrollment confidence VIA proven technology

Slate Platinum Partner

“Integrating a Slate instance with an innovative marketing solution like VIA allows universities to optimize marketing decisions and recruitment strategies.”

Slate Founder and CEO, Alexander Clark

A game-changing leap VIA all your data in sync

Various social media application logos collecting into a funnel that powers a VIA dashboard

Unleash the power of performance marketing technology today

VIA transforms enrollment marketing by unifying data, optimizing budgets, and driving student enrollments. Unlock your institution’s potential—start with VIA today.

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